Official Notice: Proposed Handbook Revisions

August 12, 2024

Call for Comment by September 11, 2024

This constitutes the official notice of proposed changes to the NASD Handbook forwarded in advance as required by the NASD Bylaws and Rules of Practice and Procedure, Part II.

VOTE SCHEDULED. A final text of these proposed revisions will be presented to the NASD Commission on Accreditation and NASD membership for a vote in September.

Please forward comment by September 11, 2024 to:

Jenny Rebecca G. Kuhlmann
Management Associate for Communications and Publications
11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 21
Reston, Virginia 20190

Phone: 703-437-0700, Extension 112
Facsimile: 703-437-6312

To view or print this proposal, please click the appropriate link below to download the file as a PDF.

Official Notice: Proposed Handbook Changes – August 12, 2024

PLEASE NOTE: Further information on revisions to the standards for accreditation currently under review or forthcoming may be found under Proposed Revisions.