Potential Members

The following is a list of handy resources available for potential members of NASD.

The NASD staff is available if any questions arise and looks forward to working with you as you prepare for your application.

Accreditation Definitions

A helpful glossary of definitions is available for terms related to the NASD accreditation process.

Consultative Services

NASD strongly advises potential new institutional applicants to host an NASD consultant prior to the official on-site visit. NASD also offers consultative services free of charge through NASD staff.

General Information About NASD Institutional Membership

Review general information regarding eligibility, definitions of membership and membership categories, and review periods and cycles.

HEADS Data Survey

Institutions applying to NASD for the first time must include the latest HEADS Data Survey in its Self-Study as part of the Management Documents Portfolio.

Individual Membership

In preparing applications for Membership, the art/design executive is encouraged to become an individual member of NASD in order to remain current with the work of the Association.

Connections with Other Review Procedures

If your institution wishes to hold a joint or concurrent visit with NASD’s and that of another accrediting agency, inform the NASD National Office via telephone as well as on the Notice of Intention to Apply form.

NASD Annual Meeting

At the NASD Annual Meeting each September, a helpful workshop is held entitled “Preparing for NASD Evaluation.”

NASD Handbook

Review the Standards for Accreditation, as well as the Association’s Constitution, Bylaws (includes description of Membership categories, dues and fees structure, etc.), Code of Ethics, and Rules of Practice and Procedure. Please review the Handbook carefully to ensure your institution has the ability to meet or exceed all applicable standards for accreditation.

Notice of Intention to Apply (NOITA) Form

The NASD review process is initiated by submission of the Notice of Intention to Apply form. The form is to be submitted to the National Office at least two years prior to the projected visitation date (at least two and a half years in the case of joint or concurrent visits).