Loyola Marymount University
1 LMU Drive, MS 8346, Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659.
Website: www.lmu.edu
A program of dance in a department of theatre arts and dance in a college of communication and fine arts in a university.
Date of Initial Accreditation: 9/1/1987
Year of Most Recent Comprehensive Review: 2016
Academic Year of Next Scheduled Comprehensive Review: 2026-2027
Degree-Granting, WSCUC, Not-for-Profit, Private, Teacher Education Accreditation.
Rosalynde LeBlanc Loo, Chair, Program of Dance, Department of Theatre Arts and Dance
Telephone: (310) 338-1635
Facsimile: (310) 338-8884
Bryant Keith Alexander, Dean, College of Communication and Fine Arts
Telephone: (310) 258-5452
Facsimile: (310) 338-7897
Damon Rago, Program of Dance, Department of Theatre Arts and Dance
Telephone: (310) 338-3740
Facsimile: (310) 338-8884
Degree and Program Listing
Bachelor of Arts-4 years: Dance (General).
Bachelor of Arts-4 years: Choreography and Performance; Dance Pedagogy and Social Action.