Accredited Institutions Search

Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey

Douglass Campus, 85 George Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1411.

A department of dance in a school of the arts in a research university.

Date of Initial Accreditation: 9/1/1992
Year of Most Recent Comprehensive Review: 2014
Academic Year of Next Scheduled Comprehensive Review: 2025-2026

Degree-Granting, Non-Degree-Granting, MSCHE, Not-for-Profit, Public.


Gerald Casel, Chair, Department of Dance, Mason Gross School of the Arts
Telephone: (415) 940-2634

Degree and Program Listing

Bachelor of Arts-4 years: Dance.
Bachelor of Fine Arts-4 years: Dance.
Bachelor of Fine Arts/Master of Education-5 years: Dance Education (K-12).
Master of Education-2 years: Dance (Non-Certification); Dance Education (K-12).
Bachelor of Fine Arts-4 years: Dance (Dance Science).