Accredited Institutions Search

Texas Woman's University

Denton, TX 76204-5708.

A division of dance in a school of the arts and design in a college of arts and sciences in a university.

Date of Initial Accreditation: 9/1/2001
Year of Most Recent Comprehensive Review: 2013
Academic Year of Next Scheduled Comprehensive Review: 2023-2024

Degree-Granting, Non-Degree-Granting, SACSCOC, Not-for-Profit, Public.


Jordan Fuchs, Head, Division of Dance
Telephone: (940) 898-2769

Degree and Program Listing

Bachelor of Arts-4 years: Dance (Dance Education [Teacher Certification 8-12], Dance Studies).
Master of Arts-2 years: Dance.
Master of Fine Arts-3 years: Dance.
Doctor of Philosophy-4 to 5 years: Dance.