Accredited Institutions Search

Temple University

1700 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122-0843.

A department of dance in a college of music and dance in a state-related university.

Date of Initial Accreditation: 09/01/1982
Year of Most Recent Comprehensive Review: 2014
Academic Year of Next Scheduled Comprehensive Review: 2025-2026

Degree-Granting, Non-Degree-Granting, Charter Member, MSCHE, Not-for-Profit, Public, Teacher Education Accreditation.


Karen Bond, Chair, Department of Dance, Boyer College of Music and Dance
Telephone: (215) 204-6280

Degree and Program Listing

Bachelor of Fine Arts-4 years: Dance.
Master of Arts-1 year: Dance.
Master of Fine Arts-3 years: Dance.
Doctor of Philosophy-4 to 7 years: Dance.